
lessons from a father and his boy

Living in south Alabama has given us many chances to drop whatever we are doing and head off to one of our local beaches. Even though most are an hour away, there’s great opportunity to have lengthy conversations, or if we go alone, a time of peace/quiet. Packing up to leave to come back home is always a challenge especially when it comes to getting off all the sand. It’s almost impossible. We have learned some tricks of the trade like baby powder, but for the most part there is always a trace of it on us or inside the vehicle we drove.

 The beach is also fun to people watch. We all do it! It’s almost humorous at times, especially when everyone gathers around the showers outside to get all that sand off. I’ve just about seen it all. I’ve watched people wash their hair, bathe, walk by and stare, or practically almost remove every garment they have to get the sand off. In all my people watching, one man and his child stood out to me. This man seemed quite jolly. Apparently he had fun enjoying the beach with his family and both he and his young son were covered in the glittering sand. The man was smiling and at times laughing but his son was not so happy. I don’t know if it was the cold water hitting the boy that made him so upset but something was not making this little boy enjoy this moment. The father picks up the boy and while holding him puts him under the water and the boy begins to kick and scream. This did not seem to bother the dad one bit as he continued to smile. The sand on them both soon started to disappear.  The child still screaming in his father’s arms had hardly noticed that the sand was gone. The father then sat the boy down and they walked off by the mother as she gave them a towel.

 I stood there watching this whole scene play out. I was gently reminded I, too, have been that little boy. As I walked away that day to get in my vehicle the Lord began to replay out this scene to me as if it was Jesus and I. Sin has a way of attaching itself to us and most of the time we get so comfortable that we are ok with “a little” sand on us, if you will. Like this little boy I have kicked and screamed as my Father has shown me just how dirty I am. However, something great happens in that moment. As we begin to acknowledge our uncleanness He picks us up, and yes, with a smile on His face and begins to wash us off completely clean.  Soon we start trusting His arms holding us and we slowly surrender into His perfect love. That day, I saw more than just a father and son interaction, I saw a perfect demonstration of all the Father longs for us, if we are willing.